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Guapisimo menudo curro

Gracias señor hombre caotiko 🫡💙


hello!! I saw your attack on the art Fight website WHICH IS AWESOME BTW??? SO COOL. 

But there are a few glitches. for example, some of the Spanish translation text mixed into the English translation of the game, I think. plus, it's hard to exit out of the game as there's no obvious option to back out of full screen or quit to menu once you've started the game

Still. This attack is awesome! I'm really glad you had enough time to finish it before art fight ended! CRAZY IMPRESSIVE TOO!!! Amazing job on this attack!

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Heya! Thanks for playing the game, I appreciate it a lot. 

I'm aware that it's hard to exit the game unless doing a hard reset (the old alt + f4), I actually had it on the roadmap alongside save states but had to cut the features out because of time limitations. I'll work towards implementing them once Artfight finishes so I can properly focus on troubleshooting without bothering the site mods (I've asked for a rating check, so I don't want to change anything major for now).

For the full screen problem, I think I can try to enable window mode as a possibility. I'll look into it tomorrow; for now I wanna rest a bit.

Can you please tell me where exactly did you find the mixed up text? I'll try to release a hotfix ASAP for that! Thank you again for the kind comment <3

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Of course! As to where the mixed up text is it was two different places.

 though I don't know about the Spanish version having any mix ups there.

 The name of the player is "Tu" for what appears to be the whole game. and when Fairy asks if you are alive if you pick the "no" option there are 2 sentences of dialogue that are in Spanish instead of English. 

sorry I took so long to reply but I wanted to play through the whole game so I could check for any problems elsewhere with the languages but I didn't see any

EDIT: though I should note after Fairy hands you the paper there was a minor spelling mistake where the player says "Heym, it's exactly the list I had lost!"

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Don't worry, I appreciate you wanting to play the full game for that reason! 

And yeah my bad, I forgot to update the name .csv so that's definitely my fault xD I'll change it asap! Thank you so much again 💙

Edit: I had mistakenly used ";" instead of "," when separating the locales in the translation sheet! No wonder it swapped to spanish. And you're right, there's no errors on the spanish version since it's my first language and I wrote all the dialogue on that language first. I appreciate a lot the feedback on the translated part; I've been speaking english for almost all my life, but a lot of this kind of stuff tends to slip by! :)